Thursday, July 3, 2014

71>71 North & South Twin July 1, 2014

Prior to this hike I had always approached the Twins from the south via Twinway to South then the spur to North.  This was my first time from the north via North Twin Trail.  The first and last thirds of the climb were fun.  The middle third was not --- it was long, steep, buggy, muggy and hot!  Needless to say, I have few photos of the middle.  I was too busy then swatting flies and wiping sweat from my eyes.
The ridge walk between North and South Twin was special (as are most all ridge walks.)  Near the end of the trip down I took the "high water" alternate route avoiding two crossings I had made on the way up.  I am glad I did.  I found a very large stand of Pink Lady Slippers (even though most were past bloom) and the "little tree in the trail" that marks the take off point for the unmaintained, but often used, Firewarden's Trial up Mt Hale.  Something I have heard about, but never known just where to find it.  Now I know!
A few photos of the trip are below  The smudge on the lens was from some misapplied insect repellent!

Little River along the approach


The ridge walk

an interesting scramble

South Twin from North twin Spur trail

South Twin summit

Mountain Cranberry

Labrador Tea


Pink Lady Slipper

"Little Tree in the Trail"

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures, especially the Lady Slipper even if she has a smudge. Haven't seen one of those in a looooong time!
