Thursday, May 29, 2014

71>71 Garfield May 29, 2014

What a day to be on Mt. Garfield!  A comfortable temperature, gentle breeze, practically no bugs, few other  people, wildlife, wildflowers, and skies clear enough to suck your eyeballs out!  Garfield is the pointy peak that shows up so prominently to the northeast of Lafayette.

I went up and back on the Garfield Trail from the north.  It's a 10 mile round trip with mostly moderate grades.  Much of the trail follows an old tractor road used during the 1940's to access a fire tower.  A concrete foundation still remains on the summit ledges and I found one telephone pole about half way up the trail.

I love being in the woods in Spring.  I find myself "looking" more during this season --- there's so much to see!  I've been through a few Springs during my lifetime and still I don't tire of them.  I think I like the newness of it all.  Lucky me!
Some of today's wild flowers:

Wood Anemone

Rose Mandarin

Trout Lily

A stand of Moose Hobble

And there was wildlife too.  I heard a steady chorus of rat-tat-tats from woodpeckers and dull drumming from partridge, but never saw them.  Nor did I see the moose that I startled at a bend in the trail.  But I was able to get photos of a chattering red squirrel and an elusive Hermit Thrush:

I had planned to eat my lunch at the summit -- and I did, but I hadn't planned to be so mesmerized by the views.  I lingered there awhile!
To the north is civilization (and a huge scar on the landscape from Cassella's landfill in Bethlehem.)  I won't post a picture of it.  But to the east and west are the Twin and Franconia Ranges.  And to the south is the Pemi Wilderness ---- spectacular!!!!!!!!

North and South Twin.  The speck at center-right is the Galehead AMC hut
The "back side" of the Franconia Range

The Pemi Wilderness with Owl's Head featured ever so prominently.

But now it's time to leave the summit.  Here's a short video clip to give you a feel for the hike down:

Oops, Blogger won't process the video.  Sorry.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

71>71 --- Tecumseh May 21, 2014 (Finally,back at it)

Wednesday May 21st, 2014

Today I got out for my first 4000 footer hike of the season.  What a great feeling.
I did start small ----- Tecumseh is one of the two lowest NH 4000 footers.  Relative little elevation gain and just five miles total distance.  Two years ago after doing Tecumseh as my first of the season I had to pull to the edge of the road while driving home because I got a cramp in my leg.  Not so this year.  I'm reading that to mean I'm in better shape now than I was two years ago.  But, before I get to cocky,  I better see how I feel tomorrow morning!
I have just 20 peaks left to finish my 71 four thousand footers after age 71 list.  I'm feeling pretty confident that I can complete the list between now and October (12 to 14 hikes will hit all 20 summits.)
This is an especially pleasant time of year to be out in the woods.  The air is still cool, there are few bugs yet, and every thing is young and breaking out with exuberance --- young leaves of every shade of green, bold flower blossoms, animals scurrying, birds chirping.  Here are a few photos of today's hike:

Yes, it was a beautiful day.

Trout Lilies


Moose Hobble

Probably the work of a Pileated 

Tecumseh's summit through the trees at about the half way point.  They're never as distant as they appear!  Just keep plodding along.

Quirky trail sign

Tecumseh summit
