Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Peakbagging on hold

I won't be able to do many hikes this fall ----- and I'm finding out just how much I miss the whole experience.  I imagine it as similar to going through some sort of withdrawal process.  There is regret, but I get by that knowing what's holding me back is important too.  Just after Labor Day I began a long planned (I mean, really long planned) and greatly anticipated remodeling project here at camp.  I have a contractor but I'm also doing some of the work myself.  Between coordinating with Jeff, running "gofer" trips for him and doing my own work, I'm damn busy ----- and enjoying it.
But, every day I think of where I could be hiking.  I imagine the trip planning, the early morning wake-ups, the climb, the views, the special places I love so much --- brooks, beautiful timber stands, ledges and craggy places, being above treeline!  I also miss the tired, but amazingly rewarding, feeling as I climb back into my truck at the end of a day so well spent.
And then there is The List.  I surprise myself when I realize that I am now, again, a "peakbagger."  Early in my life I was that, then I grew away from it ----- in fact I would have argued against that mindset.  But here I am back at it.  I enjoyed finishing off my 48.  My 71>71 List has taken over a big chunk of my time and thinking.  I have no answer to the question as to why I hike or why I keep checking off a list of bagged peaks ----- other than to say, "I hike because I like it."  Sorry, that's not philosophically revealing I know, but does it have to be?  I'm comfortable with it.  Rather than ponder it more deeply, I'd rather take a hike!
Till I can get up high again, bag a peak or two, and have pictures to post on this blog, here are a few photos of the project taking my time and energy right now.


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