I'm becoming quite experienced at hiking the Moriah-Carter-Wildcat Range ------- in the rain! Two years ago I did most of the range there in delightful weather. this year I needed North Carter (it's on
my list) and Moriah again. On both hikes I got wet. Today I got drenched!
I began at the Stony Brook Trailhead for an up and back trip to summit Moriah. Early on the weather looked to be clearing. I liked the first mile of Stony Brook. It passes through nice maturing evergreens with interesting views of the brook.
The mid section of Stony Brook Trail is a straight shot through the woods --- and about as interesting as Iowa, with trees! But, keep putting one foot in front of the other and you can walk yourself out of anything!
Up high Stony Brook becomes very much a White Mountain trail --- steep, stones, roots, etc. Once you reach the height of land, and the Carter-Moriah Trail, a lovely mile and a half long ridge walk begins. Yes there are PUDS (pointless ups & downs) but the fir thickets opening up to long ledge walks keep things interesting.
I know there are good views from most of the open ledges along this section ---- but I didn't see them today. This is where it began to rain ---- no, pour! In the area where I expected to find the short spur to Moriah's summit the trail began descending steeply. I sensed something was wrong and turned around. Sure enough --- I had walked right by the junction sign and had been heading down Kenduskeag Trail! Lesson learned --- the combination of rain hood induced tunnel vision plus constant concentration on wet weather foot placement does not lend itself well to attentive trail navigation.
Do you see the trail jct. sign? I didn't! |
Heading back I met six or eight individuals and small groups of NOBO (north bound) AT through hikers. Today's terrain and weather should provide them with a small introduction of what to expect in the Mahoosucs and the Hundred Mile wilderness.
As always, if you look hard enough, you can find some color even on the darkest days!
By the time I finished there was sunshine in the parking lot!